Say Bye-Bye to Your Muffin Top

Say Bye-Bye to Your Muffin Top

The slang term “Muffin Top” is defined as the roll of fat visible above the top of a pair of jeans. Over the last decade we have heard this term used by men and women about their bulging bellies. “Muffin Tops” can certainly develop at any age, but they tend to become...
Is SculpSure™ right for me?

Is SculpSure™ right for me?

Many people struggle with their weight, often looking to the latest diet or juice cleanse to drop those unwanted pounds. Even those who follow a strict diet and exercise regularly can plateau in their weight loss journey. Most diet and exercise programs are only...


If you’ve ever wished you could specifically target stubborn areas of body fat and literally melt them away without going under the knife, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with “problem areas” on their bodies, even after undergoing intense diets and...